Ancient grains with sweet potato and asparagus lunch in the forest

Summer is here to stay and I intend to enjoy it as much as I can! I love having my meals outdoors, taking little trips to discover the beauty of our Earth and communing with nature in general. Most of my recipes are easily portable and that makes them practical for parties, picnics and for the lunch box. The following recipe makes a delicious meal you can enjoy anytime, anyplace!
I receive my share of complaints about the appropriateness of my outfits and footwear whether it's going to the beach, in the woods or just grocery shopping and, by the way, wedges are not high heels, I don't care what anybody says! So, I choose to be me! That's when I like myself most, that's when I feel best - when I make my own rules and decide if I want to follow them or not! So if I want to wear my wedges to have a picnic in the woods - I will, and if I want to wear my favorite Beblue necklace to this seemingly unimportant event, nothing can stop me! Life is too precious to waste it being anything other than your authentic self. So, go ahead, express who you are, that is why you're here! Share the gift that you are! 

Ingredients (serves 4-6)
- 1 1/2 cups ancient grains mix (equal parts quinoa, amaranth, millet)
- 2 1/4 cups water
- 2 sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
- 1 small bunch asparagus, trimmed by snapping off tough ends
- a handful walnuts, toasted
- a handful baby spinach leaves
- 1-2 garlic cloves, mashed
- 3 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar
- 3 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

In a large bowl, toss the sweet potatoes with 2 tablespoons evoo, then place them on a baking sheet and roast at 375 F for about 20 minutes or until fork tender. Place the asparagus on a separate baking sheet and drizzle with evoo, toss to coat, then bake alongside the sweet potatoes for about 15 minutes or until fork tender. Remove from oven and cut asparagus into 4 cm pieces. Meanwhile, in  a saucepan, combine the ancient grains mix with the water, season with salt and pepper and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for about 18 minutes or until water is absorbed. Let rest for 5 minutes then fluff with a fork, place in a large bowl and allow to cool a bit.  Add the sweet potatoes and their cooking oil, asparagus, walnuts, garlic and spinach and season with salt, pepper, the balsamic vinegar and more evoo. Enjoy!


Grane stravechi cu cartofi dulci si sparanghel
Majoritatea retelor pe care le postez sunt usor de transportat si, prin urmare, practice pentru petreceri si picnicuri. 

Ingrediente (4-6 portii)
- 1 1/2 cani amestec grane stravechi (quinoa, stir, mei)
- 2 1/4 cani apa
- 2 cartofi dulci, curatati de coaja si taiati cubulete
- 1 legatura sparanghel, curatat de partea lemnoasa de la baza tulpinii
- o mana nuca prajita
- o mana spanac proaspat
- 1-2 catei de usturoi, zdrobit
- 3 linguri otet balsamic
- 3 linguri ulei de masline extra virgin
- sare de mare si piper proaspat macinat, dupa gust

Puneti cubuletele de cartofi intr-un bol mare si amestecati-le cu 2 linguri de ulei de masline, apoi transferati-le intr-o tava si dati la cuptorul incalzit la 375 F (180 C) timp de aproximativ 20 de minute sau pana cand o furculita patrunde usor in cartof. Intr-o alta tava, aranjati sparaghelul peste care turnati o lingura de ulei de masline. Dati la cuptor, alaturi de cartofii dulci, timp de aproximativ 15 minute sau pana cand o furculita patrunde usor, apoi taiati sparaghelul in bucatele de 4 cm. Intr-o cratita, amestecati granele stravechi cu apa, adaugati sare si piper si lasati sa fiarba acoperit, la foc mic, timp de 18 minute sau pana cand toata apa a fost absorbita. Aerisiti granele cu o furculita si transferati-le intr-un bol mare. Adaugati cubulete de cartofi cu uleiul in care s-au copt, sapranghelul, nuca, spanacul, usturoiul, si asezonati cu sare, piper, otet balsamic si inca un strop de ulei de masline. Pofta buna!



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