Creamy dreamy asparagus soup

  Smooth, velvety, delicate... this soup is such a beautiful experience! Take advantage of asparagus season to enjoy it at its freshest, the way Nature intended it.

Ingredients (serves 6)
- 1 bunch asparagus
- 3 potatoes, diced
- 1 carrot, sliced
- 1 onion, minced
- 1 cup coconut milk (or more, to taste)
- 1 teaspoon turmeric
- 1 Tablespoon coconut oil
- salt and pepper to taste

   Trim asparagus by snapping off tough ends, then cut into 5 cm pieces. In a large pot, heat coconut oil, then add onion and sauté until translucent. Add carrots and potatoes and sauté for 2 minutes, stirring often. Add asparagus and turmeric and cook for one minute, stirring constantly. Add a few cups of water, without completely covering the veggies, season with salt and pepper, cover pot and simmer, on low heat, until all veggies have softened, about 20 minutes. Remove from heat and purée the soup in a food processor or using an immersion blender. Return to heat and gradually add in the coconut milk, to taste. Garnish soup with fresh thyme and en-joy!

Supa-crema de sparanghel

Ingrediente (6 portii):
- o legatura sparanghel
- 3 cartofi, taiati cubulete
- 1 morcov, taiat rondele
- 1 ceapa, tocata
- 1 cana lapte de cocos (sau mai mult, dupa gust)
- 1 lingurita turmeric
- 1 lingura ulei de cocos (sau alt ulei - de masline, floarea soarelui etc.)
- sare si piper, dupa gust

Curatati sparanghelul de capetele fibroase ( tineti un fir cu ambele maini si rupeti capatul de la baza, acesta se va rupe, de la sine, exact la locul potrivit). Intr-o oala, topiti uleiul de cocos si caliti ceapa pana devine transparenta. Adaugati morcovii si cartofii si caliti timp de 2 minute, amestecand des. Adaugati sparanghelul si  turmericul si caliti inca un minut, amestecand continuu. Turnati cateva cani de apa peste legume, fara a le a acoperi complet, adaugati sare si piper, acoperiti oala cu capacul si lasati sa fiarba, la foc mic, timp de 20 de minute sau pana cand toate legumele s-au fiert. Luati de pe foc si mixati supa pana devine cremoasa. Puneti supa din nou pe foc si turnati, treptat, laptele de cocos, amestecand continuu. Adaugati laptele dupa gust - cu cat mai mult lapte de cocos adaugati, cu atat va fi supa mai cremoasa. Supa se garniseste cu un fir de cimbru. Pofta buna!

Add a few cups of water, without completely covering the veggies.


  1. arata splendid..........o voi incerca cand voi avea toate ingredientele!merci


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